My name is Maikol Rangel and I’m a tattoo artist. I would like to share with you a bit of my story. It all started a few years ago, since I was little I was interested in art so I started painting and drawing, from that moment my mother came in and made me do painting and drawing courses, of which I won several trophies. however art becomes just a hobby for me…

I decided to dedicate myself more to sports that I even thought that I would live for it but life always surprises us.. my mom started to ask me why I don’t start tattooing?!she told me that that was art on the skin. to be honest with you, I was not interested in the world of tattoos.

time passed, I had an accident I was run over while I was riding my bike but God is the greatest and all things always happen for something better.. I started physiotherapy for my shoulder and right there I met a guy and we started talking about tattoos. He told me that his neighbor was a tattoo artist so I asked him if he could teach me and yes, I did a 3 hour course with him.. and that’s how this great journey began which I fell in love with and I am so passionate about and of course thanks to God always and my dedication I have tattooed several important public figures like the great speaker Daniel Habif, the Venezuelan queen of fitness Michelle Lewin, the Venezuelan singer Jonathan Molly, great artists of photography like Ohrangutang and many more.. I have been a tattoo artist for 4 years and trust me, we can all do it and make our dreams come true.